Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Plenary Indulgence for the Year of Faith October 11, 2012 to Nov 24, 2013

05-10-2012 - Year XXII - Num. 179 


Vatican City, 5 October 2012 (VIS) - According to a decree made public today and signed by Cardinal Manuel Monteiro de Castro and Bishop Krzysztof Nykiel, respectively penitentiary major and regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Benedict XVI will grant faithful Plenary Indulgence for the occasion of the Year of Faith. The indulgence will be valid from the opening of the Year on 11 October 2012 until its end on 24 November 2013.

"The day of the fiftieth anniversary of the solemn opening of Vatican Council II", the text reads, "the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI has decreed the beginning of a Year especially dedicated to the profession of the true faith and its correct interpretation, through the reading of - or better still the pious meditation upon - the Acts of the Council and the articles of the Catechism of the Catholic Church".

"Since the primary objective is to develop sanctity of life to the highest degree possible on this earth, and thus to attain the most sublime level of pureness of soul, immense benefit may be derived from the great gift of Indulgences which, by virtue of the power conferred upon her by Christ, the Church offers to everyone who, following the due norms, undertakes the special prescripts to obtain them".

"During the Year of Faith, which will last from 11 October 2012 to 24 November 2013, Plenary Indulgence for the temporal punishment of sins, imparted by the mercy of God and applicable also to the souls of deceased faithful, may be obtained by all faithful who, truly penitent, take Sacramental Confession and the Eucharist and pray in accordance with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff.

"(A) Each time they attend at least three sermons during the Holy Missions, or at least three lessons on the Acts of the Council or the articles of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in church or any other suitable location.

"(B) Each time they visit, in the course of a pilgrimage, a papal basilica, a Christian catacomb, a cathedral church or a holy site designated by the local ordinary for the Year of Faith (for example, minor basilicas and shrines dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Apostles or patron saints), and there participate in a sacred celebration, or at least remain for a congruous period of time in prayer and pious meditation, concluding with the recitation of the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form, and invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary and, depending on the circumstances, to the Holy Apostles and patron saints.

"(C) Each time that, on the days designated by the local ordinary for the Year of Faith, ... in any sacred place, they participate in a solemn celebration of the Eucharist or the Liturgy of the Hours, adding thereto the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form.

"(D) On any day they chose, during the Year of Faith, if they make a pious visit to the baptistery, or other place in which they received the Sacrament of Baptism, and there renew their baptismal promises in any legitimate form.

"Diocesan or eparchal bishops, and those who enjoy the same status in law, on the most appropriate day during that period or on the occasion of the main celebrations, ... may impart the papal blessing with the Plenary Indulgence".

The document concludes by recalling how faithful who, due to illness or other legitimate cause, are unable to leave their place of adobe, may still obtain Plenary Indulgence "if, united in spirit and thought with other faithful, and especially at the times when the words of the Supreme Pontiff and diocesan bishops are transmitted by television or radio, they recite ... the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form, and other prayers that concord with the objectives of the Year of Faith, offering up the suffering and discomfort of their lives".

*excerpt from the Vatican Information System 052012

Message No. 38 of Jesus Christ of the Divine Mercy

Message No. 38 
Date   : 05 October 2012
Time   : 10:35 PM
Place  : Tabada, Mambaling Cebu City

My son, My son, thank you for accepting your suffering  with all  your heart, with all your soul. 

My Lord, my God, no words will come out from my mouth except to love you and trust you what is best for me. You  already extended my life for nineteen years in spreading your Unfathomable Mercy to all souls, regardless of faith, regardless of religion, regardless of color around the world. Although I admit I'm not a perfect evangelizer, but I did my best.  

But now you have given me cancer of the lungs fourth stage, with Your Grace and Your Mercy I can make it. Just me the strength my Lord, my God.

My son, My son,  please persevere because your suffering now is for my beloved church 
It has to survive  and it will  survive. 
I love you, My son

He blesses me and He is gone.  

Stanley Villavicencio 
76-1 Tabada Mambaling  
Cebu City, Philippines 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


To All Lay Organizations,

Greetings of Peace!

Perhaps it is no longer a secret that congress will be voting to end interpellations on the RH Bill on August 7, 2012. This is the closest that the RH Bill has come in its entire history. This is a pivotal

point in our country’s history, and there will be dire consequences if the bill passes and is made a law. Thus, we need your full support now  that we need to mobilize in order to send a clear message to the
President and to the congress: that we oppose the RH bill and its 
What we do now will greatly impact what will be done on August 7th, and therefore we ask each and every group and organization to please sign up and join the mass movement that will happen starting July 30, culminating in big mobilization at the EDSA shrine on August 4. This  request comes from Bishop Gabriel Reyes, D.D. himself, head of CBCP-ECFL, and Pro-Life Philippines assisting in this effort. We can never emphasize enough how crucial and how important your group’s  presence will be. Every man and woman you send to our mobilizations will be part of God’s army in this modern-day crusade.  

The appeal is for all to do MUCH MORE by being where the ACTION is!

We request that you organize your organizations, parishioners, members  and constituents to troop to congress. We need to spread out our  schedule. Please be at the Batasan gallery starting July 30, 2012 onward sessions. August 7, 2012 session is a crucial day so we must be on vigilance. You may choose any of the schedule dates to participate. 

Coordinate with Pro-Life Philippines at landline 733-70-27 or  734-94-25 or text us at  9192337783. Also you can reach us via email and advise us your intended date. We need at least 300 guests to fill up the gallery. You may also  coordinate in advance --at least 2 days before you plan to go to Congress -- with the office of  Cong Velarde or Cong Tieng at 0917.511.8377. This is needed so that the office can coordinate it with the security.

Please Note: Sessions start at 4PM but lining up at the gate begins at  3PM. Wear RED. Parking is limited. No drinks & food allowed. Brothers and sisters, indeed, this is our chance to be heroes – patriots of the highest order. We stand tall, proud, and defiant against this  constitutional and ungodly bill. Through the help of God and our Blessed Mother, we will see through our present perils and march our way to absolute victory!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Divine Mercy Mission Sked July 2012- Australia

Please find attached for July Australia Divine Mercy Mission Schedule. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Divine Mercy Mission Sked June 2012- Update 6

Please find attached UPDATE no 6  for Divine Mercy Mission sked.this June 2012 
Please share info to others. 

God  bless! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Message No 37

No. 37 

Date  :  Nov. 21, 2011   
Time  :  3:05 AM
Place :  Sis. Cleo Lopez Villines, 11306 Sagepark LN Houston, Texas 77089 USA

My Lord, My God, wherever I go so many would ask me, when will the world end cause many people predict the world will be destroyed?

My son, My son, the world will not end. Only human has an end.  That's why as I said, to be ready is not tomorrow, to be ready should start now because tomorrow never comes because when tomorrow comes it is today.  

That's why if you received anything negative, reject it because it didn't come from me.  I am the source of love and nothing comes out from me except love.  So please persevere in prayers.  And please thank your team for leading so many lost souls to heaven

I love you my son.

He smiles and hugs me.  
He blesses me and He is gone

( signed) 
Bro. Stanley C. Villavicencio

Monday, June 11, 2012

Divine Mercy Mission Sked Update No 5- June 2012 Manila

Please find Update No. 5 for our Divine Mercy Mission Schedule in Metro Manila

God bless
Divine Mercy Family